- Embracing the Franciscan values of respect for individual and service toward others
- Personalizing the success for all students
- Developing reflective decision-making
MSE 513: Advanced Educational Psychology Fall 2007
Textbook: Slavin, R.E. (2006). Educational psychology: Theory and practice. Allyn & Bacon.
Classroom: HFC 302
Time: Mondays 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Instructor: Renea Yates, MA, PhD candidate
Phone: (217) 222-4334
E-Mail: yatesre@quincy.edu
Class Website: http://educ314yates.tripod.com
Course Description :
Educational Psychology studies current research on the nature of students, principles of learning, and methods of teaching
to give future educators the information needed to think critically and make wise teaching decisions. Educational Psychology
gives tomorrow’s teachers the "intellectual grounding and practical strategies needed to be effective instructors" in
diverse teaching situations.
Course Objectives :
The student will show mastery of educational psychology principles through:
- Becoming reflective decision-makers, critical thinkers, and problem-solvers
- Illustration by example the influence of growth, development, socio-cultural and emotional factors on the learner
- Discussion of intelligence in terms of its theories, aspects, measures, and relationships to learning ability
- Distinguishing the concept of individual differences in backgrounds, abilities, needs, and interests and how these differences
affect learning in a multi-cultural society
- Distinguishing among various theories of learning, development, and motivation and illustrate how these differences affect
- Demonstrating the ability to use a variety of instructional methods, incorporating media and technology in the classroom
- Discussion of classroom management techniques and how these techniques can be applied to create a climate conducive to
- Consideration of how principles of assessment address the problem of evaluating learning accurately
Student Outcomes:
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts associated with development from a cognitive (Piaget, 1952;
Vygotsky, 1978), psychosocial (Erickson, 1963), and physical perspective.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of intellectual (Gardner, 1989; Sternberg, 1990), gender (Geingold, 1992),
race and ethnic diversity in today’s classrooms from a teaching and learning standpoint.
- Students will apply cognitive strategies for effective lessons through various microteaching presentations.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of motivational processes based on the theories of motivation including behavioral
(Skinner, 1953,), cognitive (Graham, 1991), humanistic (Maslow, 1954), and social learning theories (Bandura, 1986).
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of effective learning environments through various classroom management techniques.
- Students will examine effective planning and teaching strategies.
- Students will discuss and evaluate advantages and disadvantages of traditional forms of assessment, alternative forms
of assessment, evaluation and grading (Wiggins, 1998).
- Students will begin to cultivate an attitude of professionalism by exhibiting the following behaviors: leadership, self-motivation,
reflection, professional curiosity, and proper oral and written communications.
Course Assignments:
Attendance, Participation, In-Class Activities 90 points
Lesson Plan 40 points
Teaching Philosophy 40 points
Classroom Management Plan 40 points
Exceptional Learner Game 40 points
Group Presentation 100 points
Observations (5) 100 points
Exams (2 worth 100 points each) 200 points
Total 650 points (EDU 490 points)
Grading Scale:
96-100% A 92-95% A- 88-91% B+ 84-87% B 80-83% B-
76-79% C+ 72-75% C 68-71% C- 64-67% D+ 60-63% D
59% and below F
Please see page 13 of the University catalog for a detailed explanation of grading at Quincy University.
Attendance Policy: Success in college courses is highly correlated with solid class attendance. Because this class
meets only once per week for eight weeks, it is essential that students attend all classes. Missing more than one class will
result in a lower grade. See page 15 of the University catalog for a more detailed explanation.
Academic Dishonesty: Academic Honesty is required in this course and all courses at Quincy University. See page 13
of the University catalog for more detailed information on definitions and consequences of academic dishonesty. See the Learning
Resource Center for further help with avoiding plagiarism and practicing proper citation in your work.
About the Exams : (2 exams/100 points each) The exams are made up of multiple-choice, true/false,
fill in the blank and short-answer questions. The questions are largely 'application' style questions and require
students to think beyond retention of the material and into comprehensive application.
About the Presentation: (100 points)
Each group will be required to select an approved topic relative to educational psychology and present the topic to the
class on an assigned date. Students should reference at least 3 reliable sources (peer-reviewed journals). The presentation
should reflect an analysis of what the research reflects as well as include group members own thoughts, reactions, interpretations,
etc., to research findings. Presentations should be approximately 25-30 minutes in length and should reflect a variety of
instructional strategies (lecture, discussion, visual aids, technology, etc.). BE CREATIVE! Group score and individual scores
will be given. An outline of the presentation is the only written requirement for the project and will be due day of presentation.
Classroom Management Plan (40 points)
Students will be asked to compose their own proposed classroom management plan.
The plan should include the following: (rationale for choices will be required):
- A philosophical statement on your beliefs about classroom management. This should include a description of what you believe
to be your teaching style.
- Room arrangement map, or maps for different types of activities including a student seating arrangement, teacher desk,
resources, displays, etc. You should include a written explanation of your choice of arrangement(s).
- Classroom rules — How are they arrived at? What might they include? How are they communicated to students, parents,
administrators etc.?
- Classroom procedures — How are the lessons structured? How do they start and finish? This should also include some
of the principles of your assessment and grading plans.
- A description of how you intend to encourage and respond to positive students and how you will manage students that are
behaving negatively in your class. What techniques are you going to use to maximize the effectiveness of your classroom management?
You should refer to specific techniques that have been discussed in this course
More details including due date will be discussed in class.
Exceptional Learner Game (40 points)
Students will be asked to choose a disorder or disability (i.e. MR, ADHD, VI) and create a developmentally appropriate
game to assist students with chosen disability in the learning process. Students will briefly demonstrate their original
game to the class. No written material will be required for this assignment.
Lesson Plan (40 points)
Students will be asked to design a specific lesson plan to discuss in class. Students will be required to apply what they
have learned about Information-Processing theory, Social Constructivism, Instruction and Motivation to design a specific lesson
plan geared towards their intended specialization and target population. For example, if you plan to teach High School History,
design a lesson plan around a topic such as Civil War. Lesson plans must address the following questions:
- How will you gain and keep students attention?
- How will you motivate them to want to learn?
- How will you assist them in learning and retaining the information?
- How will you present the material?
- How much time will you use to cover the lesson?
- Be specific in your lesson design and provide rationale for your strategies.
A copy of the lesson plan as well as rationale for strategies will be turned in on an assigned due date.
Teaching Philosophy (40 points)
Students will be required to turn in a statement of their own teaching philosophy. Questions to be answered may include:
- What personal and professional characteristics are necessary for effective teaching?
- Why do you want to teach? What is it about the profession that appeals to you?
- What personal and professional experiences have you had that will assist you in being an effective teacher?
- How will you make efforts to maximize the potential of all students?
- What theoretical frameworks guide your beliefs about learning?
- How will you motivate and inspire your students?
- What do you believe will be your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher?
More information about philosophy statements will be discussed in class.