Information-Processing and Cognitive Theories
of Learning And Memory
lTheory that describes the processing, storage, and retrieval
of knowledge
lInfo is processes and stored in 3 stages:
Sensory Register/Memory
lEverything first come through SM
lInfo not attended to and processed:
lInfo attended to:
Registry/Memory: Educational Implications
lStudents MUST pay attention to info to ever retain it
ltakes time to bring info into consciousness
lHow will you gain and keep students’ attention?
Short Term/Working Memory
lActive or working memory
lInfo not processed: lost forever
lInfo processed: moves on to LTM
How much info can be held in ST/Working-Memory?
lRecodes/reorganizes info into units that are already into LTM
How long does STM last?
lInfo disappears quickly
lCan prolong a memory by repeating it - Maintenance
lElaborative rehearsal is more effective
How can teachers help students keep info in
Working Memory?
lAllow time to practice, rehearsal
lTeach them how to organize/chunk info
lPresent info in logical, organized fashion
lConnect new info to info already in students long-term
LTM – Long-term Memory
lCapacity: unlimited
lPermanence: relatively permanent
3 parts
of LTM
lEpisodic memory: Personal experiences
lSemantic memory: Facts and general knowledge
lProcedural memory: Info about how to do things
lMake it personal, relate it
lPresent info visually and verbally
lActive hands-on learning
lAllow for deep processing of info
lDistributed practice > mass practice
What causes
people to forget?
lInterference: Unable to recall info due to presence of
other information
–Proactive – old info interferes w/ new info
–Retroactive – new info interferes w/ old info
Proactive – old info can help student learn
new info
Retroactive – new info can help student
better learn old info
lRecall: remembering in absence of the item
lFactors affecting Recall
–Serial position - Primacy and Recency
–Environmental Context
–State-dependency - Drugs, mood
Levels of Processing
Improving Memory
Selection Organize/Chunk Overlearn Spaced Studying
Sleep and Eat Mnemonic Devices
Tips for Teachers
lCapture, Hold and Improve Attention
lMinimize distractions, use cues
lRelate tasks to real life, play games, use technology
lEncourage Effective Rehearsal
lStress Meaningfulness
lActive learning
lConnect info to what they already know