Learners who are exceptional
What does it mean to be an exceptional learner?
Exceptional Learners
Individuals whose physical, mental or behavioral performance is very different from the norm – higher or lower
– that additional services are needed to meet their needs.
What percentage of K-12 students receive special educational services?
Approximately 12% of K-12 students receive SPED services
Of this 12%, how many receive services for having a learning disability?
General Principles
Label is just a label
More to me than just a disability!
Collaboration w/ family
What types of disorders and disabilities will you come across as K-12 teachers?
Sensory Disorders
Visual Impairments
Teaching strategies?
Hearing Impairments
Teaching Strategies?
Physical Disorders
Orthopedic Impairments
Cerebral palsy
Seizure Disorders
Teaching Strategies?
If you had a child with epilepsy who was prone to seizures in your class, how would you prepare other students?
Mental Retardation
1.5% of population; 89% mild
Inadequate intellectual functioning
Deficits in adaptive behavior
55-70 Mild (EMH/EMR)
40-54 Moderate (TMH/TMR)
25-39 Severe
Below 25 Profound
Causes of MR
75% of time we don’t know
Down syndrome
Fragile X
Brain Damage
Infections, environmental hazards, FAS
MR …(cont)
Teaching Strategies?
Speech and Language Disorders
1/5 of spec ed population
Articulation disorders (r’s, th’s)
Receptive/Expressive Language Disorders
Teaching strategies?
What would you do if you observed students mocking a student who stuttered in class?
Learning Disabilities
Normal intelligence
Difficulty in at least one academic area
No other diagnosed disorder causing problem
50% of Special Ed population
3x boys; minorities overrepresented SPED
reading, math, written language
Learning Disabilities.. (cont)
Often difficult and takes team effort
Quick to label and place into SPED
Teaching Strategies?
Characteristics –
Inattention; Hyperactivity; Impulsivity
Diagnosis has doubled in 1990’s
Boys 4-9 x more likely
Misdiagnosis Controversy
ADHD .. (cont)
Teaching strategies?
Emotional & Behavioral Disorders
Serious, persistent problems that involve:
Relationships, Aggression, Depression, etc.
Inability to learn unexplained by
Intellectual, sensory, health factors
9% of special ed population
Boys are 3 times more likely
Least Restrictive Environment
Regular class in traditional bldg.
Regular class with TA/para
½ time in resource room/ ½ in reg. class
Full-time special class in regular bldg.
Special School in district
Special School out of district
Residential Facility
QPS District
Students who are Gifted
What does it mean to be Gifted?
Gifted Children
IQ of 120/130+
Superior talent in some domain:
Characteristics of the Gifted
Early mastery
Less support
Problem solving skills
High internal motivation
Info-processing skills
How can you enhance the learning process of a student who is academically gifted?
Educating the Gifted
Special Classes
Accelerated Programs
Enrichment Programs
Mentor Programs
Community Service Programs